12 days of microblogging: artwork showcase

It’s day 5 of our 12 days of microblogging series. Yesterday I highlighted what Micro.blog users are doing to create unique custom designs for their blog. Today we want to highlight how artists are using Micro.blog to showcase their work.

I’ve loved seeing the drawings from Audra Ann Furuichi, who posts web comics and illustrations on her own site. Sky Sandison has sketches from around Edinburgh, Scotland. And Mike Hendley shares digital paintings as he works through them on his iPad.

Plus there’s great sketchnotes from Mike Rohde and Ben Norris, including one by Ben about my talk from Peers Conference earlier this year.

October was also Inktober, with many bloggers posting sketches to their microblogs every day. We have a special section of Discover for Inktober that collects many of those posts together.

While the iOS apps for Micro.blog are designed around JPEG photos, you can use Micro.blog on the web to upload other formats like PNG and GIF, which might be more suitable for illustrations. Just click Posts → Uploads.

Showcasing artwork on Micro.blog uses many of the same features as photo blogs, which I wrote about on day 2 of 12 days of microblogging. For previous posts in this series, check out our help page on Micro.blog.

Manton Reece @manton