Micro.blog updates and expanding Indiepaper

We rolled out a few improvements to Micro.blog this week. There’s a new page on the web for managing muted users — click Account and scroll down to the “Edit Muted Users” button — and a new macOS release with a photo upload bug fix and an options menu to mute or report users.

You can download Micro.blog for Mac here, or choose “Check for Updates” inside the app. If you missed it when it was first announced, the app now supports uploading your Instagram archive as microblog posts.

About a month ago we added experimental support for Indiepaper to Micro.blog. It’s in the spirit of Instapaper or Pocket, but built on IndieWeb standards. You can read more about Indiepaper in our help.

I wasn’t sure where this would lead, but people are using it, so we’ve improved Micro.blog to include a page on the web for viewing or managing saved articles. After you’ve added an article to read using Indiepaper, a new link to access it will appear under Account → “Edit Feeds & Cross-posting”.

Thanks for your support of Micro.blog. As expected, we’ve had a bunch of new people join Micro.blog, which always translates to great feedback for making the platform better.

Manton Reece @manton