Direct download as a bargaining chip

In the closing paragraph of “my Mac App Store follow-up post”… I suggested that eventually most developers will exclusively distribute through the App Store. John Brayton, the developer of “CloudPull” for Google Docs backup, “called this out on Twitter”…

"Good post, but disagree that selling outside the MAS won't be worthwhile. IMHO we should be using our own stores as bargaining chip."

“In a thread to the MacSB mailing list”… John has a related version of this reasoning:

"Selling independently provides protection against Mac App Store policy decisions that could affect my app. If Apple decides tomorrow to kick me out of the Mac App Store, I would take a hit but I would still be able to sell my app."

I couldn’t agree more, to both points. There may be some advantages to going App Store-only — less initial setup for checkout and licensing, no confusion about which version to buy, or where to upgrade — but indie Mac developers should be doing everything they can to control their own destiny. Having your own store is just good business sense.

Manton Reece @manton